Casa Rural – Rural House
“Pepita la de las ores”
Playa de Maspalomas - Maspalomas beach
 Dunas de Maspalomas
 
The Maspalomas Lighthouse is located in the south of Gran Canaria, in the heart of one of the most visited coastal strips in all of Europe, the
Maspalomas Dunes.
Maspalomas, Meloneras and Playa del Inglés are three of our star beaches in the south of Gran Canaria, where the largest number of
accommoda#ons and hotels and resorts in the southern part of the island are located.
Las opciones de ocio durante el día y una atractiva vida nocturna se concentran alrededor de una infinidad de playas de arena dorada, donde
viajeros, nudistas y surferos, se mezclan y cuentan con distintos espacios donde todos encontrarán su rincón perfecto.
#$ %&
Leisure op#ons during the day and an a$rac#ve nightlife are concentrated around an in%nite number of golden sand beaches, where travelers,
nudists and surfers mix and have di'erent spaces where everyone will %nd their perfect corner.
But Maspalomas is not only known for its enormous expanse of dunes or for having one of the best climates in the world. It is also known for its
old Lighthouse, which experienced %rsthand the arrival of our %rst tourists and the incredible transforma#on of this landscape, now converted into
a privileged vaca#on spot.
Desde que aquel viajero primigenio comprendió que el buen tiempo era la norma en esta kilométrica playa, el Faro de Maspalomas ha sido
testigo de miles de días de sol, lunas de miel y paseos junto al mar.
 $#3$(&4
2 Reserva Natural Especial de las Dunas de Maspalomas
7     !      3$     "       8
6 (
Since that original traveler understood that good weather was the norm on this kilometer-long beach, the Maspalomas Lighthouse has
witnessed thousands of days of sun, honeymoons and walks by the sea.
The Maspalomas Lighthouse dates back to 1861 and whose works lasted for 28 years. At that time the place was an uninhabited area, cut
off from the rest of the island. Its first light was lit in 1890 to serve as a guide for the ships that covered the route between Europe and
America, and it was the only existing construction between the three kilometers that separated Playa del Inglés from the Oasis of
Today everything has changed around him. Now this lighthouse is located at the beginning of a busy walking area, a boulevard full of
shops, restaurants and leisure areas, ideal for strolling in the moonlight or enjoying endless views of the sea.
A few meters from this walk begins the Maspalomas Dunes Special Natural Reserve, a huge protected natural space of exceptional value.
From the Maspalomas Lighthouse to Playa del Inglés, three kilometers of dunes separate the nudist area from the rest of the beach. Surfers
find their place right on the curve that connects Maspalomas with Playa del Inglés.
!!&*+,*' )%&
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A few steps from the Maspalomas palm grove you will %nd the protected space around the pond; a natural space that appears between the sea
and the sand, a res#ng place for hundreds of migratory birds. Next to it begin the in%nite %elds of dunes, which con#nually change in shape
shaped by the wind.
Many things have changed since 1861, but Maspalomas con#nues to be the perfect place to enjoy the sea or sunny days. The shadow of its
lighthouse also remains the same, which previously watched over the ships crossing the Atlan#c and now envies the bathers who spend their days
under the Maspalomas sun.
Boulevard Faro de Maspalomas - Boulevard Faro de Maspalomas.
A boulevard has been built around the Maspalomas Lighthouse where there are countless shops, cafes and restaurants, as well as a beau#ful
promenade that extends from Meloneras beach to the Maspalomas Lighthouse.
Yacimiento arqueológico de Punta Mujeres - Punta Mujeres archaeological site
In the middle of the Paseo de Meloneras is the Punta Mujeres site, a magni%cent example of the coastal se$lements located on the Gran Canaria
coast. This space was the subject of interven#on between 2000 and 2001 and in it you can see the remains of domes#c structures that were safely
part of a larger se$lement.
Faro de Maspalomas - Maspalomas Lighthouse
Dirección: "*/;%
Horario: 87*1<=1*><11!
Web: 6
& Dirección: 2%%-1=D*11/;%
Teléfono: @E=FC0-+,D>=1>
Web: (
The Maspalomas Lighthouse delimits the southern area of Gran Canaria. On both sides begin the most important walks in the southern area, the
Paseo del Faro and the Paseo de Meloneras, very busy throughout the day.
Address: Plaza del Faro, 1. Maspalomas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana.
Hours: Monday to Sunday, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Web: Faro de Maspalomas Ethnographic Center
Tony Gallardo Park Tony Gallardo Park o'ers us a space of shade and water designed by this Gran Canarian ar#st, combining art and nature. A
park located in a privileged loca#on (Maspalomas Dunes Special Natural Reserve) giving rise to a unique botanical garden in the south of Gran
Canaria. Address: Av. Touroperador Tui 20, 35100. Maspalomas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana.
Telephone: (+34) 928 657 307