Casa Rural – Rural House
“Pepita la de las ores”
Museo y Parque Arqueológico Cueva Pintada
Cueva Pintada Museum and Archaeological Park
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El Parque Arqueológico alrededor de la Cueva Pintada, localizado en el noroeste de la isla, es fruto del esfuerzo de muchísimas personas
implicadas en la conservación del legado histórico proveniente de la cultura aborigen de Canarias.
,+',(+ 7" ,+
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The Archaeological Park around the Cueva Pintada, located in the northwest of the island, is the result of the efforts of many people
involved in the conservation of the historical legacy from the aboriginal culture of the Canary Islands.
A must-see for all those interested in learning about an ancient culture born on islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Cueva Pintada de Gáldar Museum and Archaeological Park is a site museum understood as a musealized archaeological area. In
parallel, it offers an extensive research program, educational actions and dissemination. A program that gives the new institution a
predominant role in the scientific and cultural panorama of the island.
You can obtain more information at the web address: