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Es imprescindible presentar en este establecimiento un certificado que demuestre la realización de un test de diagnóstico de infección activa por COVID-19 con resultado negativo

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Likewise, for the purposes of compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD), it also informs you that you can exercise your right of access, rectification , cancellation and opposition in relation to personal data, by sending an email to, or writing to may use "cookies" when a user browses some pages of the site. A "cookie" is a text file that asks for the corresponding permission to be stored on your hard drive. The "cookies" used by cannot read data from your hard drive or the "cookies" made by other providers. You can configure your browser to notify the installation request of a "cookie" or to completely reject its installation. You can also delete the files that contain "cookies", these files will be part of your browser. Likewise, uses "cookies" to know your preferences and respond individually to them. excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the services provided by third parties through the services and, in particular, although not exclusively, for damages that may be due to:

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The contribution to the portal of photographs or any other reproduction obtained by a process analogous to that one, expressly implies the transfer in favor of of how many copyrights correspond to its owner, granting consequently by the mere fact of insertion in the Portal the transfer of the aforementioned rights, and among them an absolute right of reproduction, distribution and public communication in favor of since the contributor must be the sole owner of the copyright of the photographs or reproductions sent to the Portal responding personally and exonerating of any responsibility derived from the claim of rights to third parties.

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Cómo llegar a Casa Pepita desde el Aeropuerto

Noches de estrellas con cielo limpio y cristalino

Un lugar ideal para disfrutar de la tranquilidad, el encuentro con la naturaleza con los tuyos en exclusividad.

Un regalo diario cada tarde al atardecer que no olvidaras

Alquiler de coches

En Guagua


  Se encuentra en un entorno rural completamente tranquilo y pacífico. Ubicado en el "Parque Rural Nublo", "Reserva de la Biosfera" y en julio de 2019 declarado por la UNESCO como "Patrimonio de la Humanidad".
  La Casa está ubicada en el municipio de Tejeda, declarado como "uno de los 30 pueblos más bonitos de España".

Desde Las Palmas de GC y con muchas posibilidades horarias:

Bus línea 60 - desde Aeropuerto-Las Palmas de G.C (Estación San Telmo)
Bus línea 303 - Las Palmas de G.C (San Telmo) - San Mateo
Bus línea 305 - San Mateo-Tejeda

Desde Playa del Inglés, con muy pocas posibilidades horarias:

Bus línea 66 Aeropuerto - Faro de Maspalomas (Parada "Playa del Inglés")

Bus línea 18 Faro de Maspalomas  (Parada "Los Arcos") - San Bartolomé de Tirajana-Tejeda